An insight into lifestyle and vitality
Research has shown that unhealthy behaviour accounts for 20% of the burden of disease (source: RIVM). One’s lifestyle has a tremendous influence on one’s health, and as a consequence, it influences the vitality at work.
Our online questionnaires and physical examination map the lifestyle of your employees. Exercise, nutrition, smoking and alcohol: it’s all being addresses. Afterwards, the dashboard reveals the aggregated scores of all related themes, enabling you to anticipate on specific aspects.

An insight in working ability
A full battery can run empty after a while. The sooner this is detected, the faster your battery can be recharged. Staff members too possess this proverbial battery. In a society where burnouts are omnipresent, it’s important to verify to which extent staff members remain physically and mentally capable to do their work.
Through extensive research we’re able to accurately measure the battery percentages of your staff.

Insight into work-related aspects
Each position requires specific skills, such as technical skills, but also physical and mental skills should not be underestimated. It’s important for a driver to have excellent eyesight, and a late detection of visual abnormalities could have disastrous consequences for both this employee and his/her environment.
Corporate Vitality fully aims for timely prevention, and that’s why we measure important parameters, such as sight, hearing and physical fitness.

The result? The Net Employability Score (NES)…
- Shows you at a glance the state of your employees’ health and sustainable employability, and as an extension, your entire organization.
- Is connected to a handy dashboard. The results are indicated by subtheme and colour code. The colour code reflects how the results compare to the benchmark which consists of data of 100,000 employees from various sectors in the Netherlands.
- Protects the privacy of every individual staff member. The data are aggregated, so data cannot be traced to individual staff members.
- Helps you to boost vitality in a preventive way, resulting in higher productivity, less absence, and an overall improvement of health with your organization.
Frequently asked questions
Management dashboard
The persons who have access to the management dashboard are human resources managers, prevention staff and Corporate Vitality.
Yes. The data allow you to create targeted interventions and implement them in your existing human resources strategy in order to keep your staff physically and mentally healthy.
The Informens system allows you to export various graphics, divided into lifestyle and vitality, working ability and work-related aspects.
We’re able to show you a demo of the dashboard during a free, no-obligation consultation which will give a good insight into the real-time results it holds. Contact us for a free consultation.
A Corporate Vitality consultant will pay you a visit to elaborate on the results in a meeting. Afterwards, a report will be sent to you, containing advice on which steps to take next.
The results of the health checks are available real-time online. A hard-copy report comes with an additional fee.
Would you like to know the physical and mental state of your staff?
Let’s discuss all the possibilities in a free, non-obligation online consultation.
Contact us
Contact details
Do you have a question or would you like to discuss possibilities? Please let us know.

Corporate Vitality Office
Health Services Centre
High Tech Campus 5
5656 AE Eindhoven